Invest with Diamond Chauffeur

Invest with Diamond Chauffeur

We have various investment options whereby you can get benefit from our expertise.

  1. Risk free investment (You need to make the investment for a fixed period (Usually 3 Years), we will give monthly profit and at the end of the period, you will get your principal investment.
  2. You can invest car on cash, that will be registered in our company and you have to manage the vehicle and the drivers and get the profit.

Benefits of Risk-Free Investment:

Attractive ROI
Profit paid monthly (10th of each month)
% of ROI would be around 24-28% yearly

* Minimum investment of AED 100,000 for 1 year

* Minimum investment of AED 200,000 for 2 years

* Minimum investment of AED 300,000 for 3 years

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